Keshab Sigdel: Barve sonca / Colours of the Sun

Dvojezična pesniška zbirka Barve sonca / Colours of the Sun prinaša pesmi v nepalščini in angleščini pišočega sodobnega nepalskega pesnika Keshaba Sigdela. Njegovo pisanje jasno odseva sodobno družbeno-kulturno okolje in je zaznamovano z nepopustljivim duhom, ki se skozi umetnost zavzema za družbeno enakost in individualno integriteto. Njegova poezija vzpostavlja pretanjeno ravnotežje med tesnobnim uporom proti nepravičnostim, ki prevladujejo v družbi, in nežnimi občutenji mladega moškega, ki zre na svet okoli sebe s sočutnimi očmi.

Pesmi sta iz angleščine prevedla Vera Pejovič in Peter Semolič, uvod je napisal Bal Bahadur Thapa.

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The bilingual poetry collection Barve sonca / Colours of the Sun contains the poems by the contemporary Nepalese poet Keshab Sigdel, who writes in Nepali and English. His writings clearly reflect the contemporary socio-cultural milieu and are marked by an indomitable spirit in his artistic advocacy for social equality and individual integrity. His poetry strikes a fine balance between rebellious angst against the injustices prevalent in society and the tender feelings of a young man looking at the world around him with compassionate eyes.

The poems have been translated from English by Vera Pejovič and Peter Semolič, preface was written by Bal Bahadur Thapa.

The book is available at the following links:

Free pdf.


Keshab Sigdel
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